Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Slave

Twilight? Puh-leeze.

The Slave. Now that's a love story. It's wonderful, we have a man who cannot fall in love with a gentile, but does, and it creates an internal struggle in which he must decide between God, and what he feels. He falls prey to the pit of rationalization, but through that, he begins to explore his faith, and make discoveries about what he believes. Throughout all of this, terrible things happen, and continue to happen to him, leaving him alone with nothing but his shattered faith.

This is very similar to discussions we've had in class about theodicy. How can the good and just be punished for having done nothing wrong? The Slave was very interesting to me in the way that it allows the reader to experience their own catharsis, without being strictly told what to do, or what to think and believe.

I loved it.

(Kind of a crappy post, but I'm super busy.)

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